Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Make More Cents With Google Adsense Niche Websites

Don't believe anyone who says that you can get rich by creating Google Adsense websites! However if you have the right approach you can make an additional income with Adsense provided that you produce a unique informative website. This article outlines one proven approach to making more cents with Adsense.

It is a popular misconception that it is easy to make lots of money with Google Adsense. One of the main reasons for this misconception is the multitude of self crowned internet marketing gurus who implore us to buy their Easy Adsense Fortune Making Systems so that we too can sky rocket our profits and spend most of our time hanging out on sunny beaches! 

The reality is that in the far distant Google Adsense past it was perfectly 
possible to make decent amount of money easily, but those days are long gone. So beware of any guru or marketeer pedaling their "Auto-Pilot Get Very Rich While You Sleep Adsense System." They sound too good to be true and they are too good to be true. However with a simple no-hype practical approach it is indeed possible to make decent money with Adsense. The key is to be realistic about your expectations and you should expect to have to put in some work before reaping the rewards. This article outlines one proven practical approach to creating Nice Adsense Websites that will earn money for you. 

Assuming that you have chosen the theme for your niche website there are three main ingredients in this approach: 

1) first you need a way to quickly build an Adsense-friendly niche website 
2) second you need to add good quality content that is unique 
3) third you need a way to drive traffic to your website that is proven 

Lets look at each of these in turn: 

1) Create Adsense-Friendly Niche Websites 

Whats a good way to create a niche Adsense website? Many people fall into the trap of using one of the many mass market templates that are promoted by the internet marketing gurus. These can look very tempting but they suffer from two main issues:
first they can be very difficult to customize so that they meet the needs of your website. This is typically because the makers of the templates have assumed that you would be an expert web developer and have lots of expensive web design software sitting on your computers hard drive!
the second issue, and this is probably the biggest problem, is that these templates are simply not unique so when a someone visits your niche website they will probably think to themselves: "Hmm, I've seen this type of website before," and then they will immediately hit the back button.
A much better and recommended way to approach creating good niche websites quickly is to use a simple template that is easily customizable and does not need extensive web graphic design skills to be customizable. 

2) Provide Quality Unique Content for Your Website Visitors 

The importance of unique content cannot be overemphasized in its ability to draw your visitors attention, and they can easily see that your website is not just out to rip them off. Many people go through a phase of trying to cheat and use content-spinners that can create thousands of pages in minutes. Google can spot these pages and will instantly ban the sites! Plus the web surfers of today can easily see if your site is genuine. The more unique and relevant the content on your site is the more likely your site visitors are to click on your ads. 

3) Promote Your Niche Adsense Website with Article Marketing 

lastly we need a way to get lots of visitors to our sites. It should come as no surprise that article marketing is probably the best way to promote a niche Adsense website. Article Marketing has always been a great way to get qualified visitors to your niche websites. The key is to produce useful articles that provide quality information that people can use in their day to day personal and business lives.

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