Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Join the Google's AdSense affiliate program

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There are many ways to monetize your blog or website. Google's AdSense contextual advertising is one of these ways and provides some amazing tools for tracking and testing performance of this advertising.

What is Google's AdSense? as stated above, it is contextual advertising. You place vertical and horizontal adblocks on your site with your Google's AdSense affiliate code embedded, and when a visitor clicks on that ad link, you earn a commission. like as www.yourgoogleincome.com. These ads are contextual, meaning that they display ads that are related to the content of your site. Who pays for that commission? Ultimately, it is the pay per click advertisers that use the Google network to bring paid traffic to their sites. They pay Google, who pays you a percentage when your site visitor clicks on an ad link.
Once you join the Google's AdSense affiliate program, you will find an array of tracking tools in your back office. These can be used to optimize your website for maximum click through rates by knowing which ad blocks are performing best and on what pages. This will require some work on your part because you have to set up tracking channels for each ad block in order to see how it performs. This is not mandatory, so don't let that scare you away from using AdSense, but it is a very powerful tool once you get the hang of it.
There are other tools that let you adjust the look and feel of the ad blocks, such as colors, fonts, backgrounds, shape and size. These are important because you want your contextual ads to blend in 
well with your site as if it were a natural part of the content.


Google AdSense has a flexible reporting tool that you can use to show page impressions and click through rates. You can group your web pages however you want, viewing results by URL, domain, ad type, category and more. Plus, you can use analytics to look at your website traffic stats and see what keywords are being used to find your site with.Getting started with Google's AdSense is really very easy. Once you sign up, then log in and copy the html code for the adblock. for more details www.thegoogleincome.com .Then just paste it into your webpage with your favorite editor and update or upload it to your host. Contextual ads will start being shown almost immediately. You can also put a search bar on your site and earn additional income when a visitor uses it to search for more information. As you build traffic to your website, you will be earning AdSense revenue in no time.

Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_777522_80.html  

Sunday, May 24, 2009

SEO for Adsense

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If you've been using Google's AdSense on your pages you obviously feel the need to somehow generate even more traffic for your website, which in turn would translate to more AdSense click and a higher income.

But who do you do this? Well, the major way you'll get visitors to see your website (other then using AdWords, which is encouraged as well) is to use some techniques to have search engines send more and more users towards your page, by ranking high in search results for your topics of interest.

Believe it or not this is a technique, better known as search-engine optimization or simply SEO. So here are a bunch of tips that come handy under every amateur or professional optimizer's belt.

The first thing you need to take care of is the actual source code and layout of your page. This has to be kept as simple as possible. The problem comes when AdSense and the search engines themselves begin to have troubles in extracting the most relevant keywords on your site because of a too complex layout.

Secondly, try to have each one of your pages target only one specific topic. This way it is a lot easier for them to get indexed properly and for the AdSense ads to be consistent with the content of the site itself.

Also, try not to include too many hyperlinks in your page as well. This also means you should try not to use too many AdSense ads on your page either.

If there are certain keywords you wish to target, make sure the word you wish to target is present in the title, in the first paragraphs as well as in the name of the file. While you're at it you might want to ensure the word springs up in the page's last paragraphs.

And of course, it's very important for your content to have original and compelling content. How do you do this? Well the easiest way to do it is to find something you're really passionate about. That way, providing you give it a lot of effort you're bound to have a great page quite fast.

If the content you use in your site is in the public domain (which is highly discouraged) make sure that you at least give it an original title, and add an opening and a closing paragraph of your own.

This takes a little while, but if, after waiting, you still can't find your page near the top, you should try rewriting your title and your first and last paragraphs. It doesn't take much, often just changing a few words will give you the right results.

And of, course there's the use of keyword tools that may aid you in finding some good keywords to include on your page that will drive visitors to your site more and more.

So those are about the basic techniques in search engine optimization. You can find a lot of computer tools to aid you in doing this, and of course, Google is a great place to search for this.

In the end, you'll find that SEO is a complex topic, and entire books have been written on the topic as well. You might find that you have a lot of optimization you need to do in order to get more and more visitors to your site and clicking those precious AdSense banners.

You need to have optimized niche website templates for best results. You may find the best adsense templates and blog templates at Adsense Big. They are offering 100 fresh new templates every month.

source : http://www.articlesbase.com/home-business-articles/seo-for-adsense-577644.html

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Google AdSense Tips

Google just released a Newbie Central for their AdSense program, those ads webmasters can include on their site to earn money for every click on the ad from a visitor (if you're using the program, part of the advertiser budget will go to you, and the other part to Google). I wanted to add some tips from my own experience:

Ads can work well in-between other stuff. On a games site of mine, some of the games don't contain ads next to the game area; the AdSense ad will only be shown in-between game rounds. This is the time the visitor is not concentrating on performing a task but might take a small break, and be open to the option of visiting new sites.

Put too much emphasis on AdSense and your site may be linked to less. The more available space you dedicate to AdSense on your site, and the less you differentiate between ads and content in your design, the more money you earn with the program, right? Not quite. While pushing the AdSense may result in short-term gains, it might also convince some visitors that the site is too crowded to be worth visiting again. And some of those visitors may also be bloggers or other people who might otherwise help to promote your site with links to it. And the less your site gets linked to, the less traffic it gets, meaning AdSense revenues may go down in the long term.

Even if you get huge traffic, the AdSense income from the site is more dependent on the site type and audience. Google targets AdSense ads automatically to the site content. Or at least, it does so ideally – but some types of content fare better than others with this targeting. I noticed for instance that AdSense does better on a games site than on a technology blog. I also heard people say that AdSense does quite good on product oriented blogs; say, one post solely about the iPod; another post solely about Gadget XYZ, and so on.

Image ads can be relevant and work for you, but they might also apall some visitors. Google's AdSense program gives you the option to choose between a couple of different ad formats. Two main groups are text ads vs text & image ads. When you choose the latter, Google will deliver what they deem works best for your content (or so one would hope, and it would be in Google's best self-interest to serve you the best possible ad, it seems).

However, Google doesn't really know your layout preferences, and they don't really understand when your audience thinks ads are "too much"; and considering image ads include Flash animations (which you can't disable, once you go for image ads), Flash animations may well push some people away. One thing you can do is to only show image ads in areas where they don't disturb the content, e.g. at the end of posts. Also, you might want to listen to visitor feedback on the ads being served; I received emails before that the blinking ad on this or that site made a person want to leave the site, at which point I blocked the specific advertiser via the AdSense Setup -> Competitive Ad Filter option.

When it comes to context sensitive targeting, you can increase or lower the importance of certain parts of your page. To help Google find a matching ad for your content, you can use the HTML comment syntax by encapsulating more important parts with

... your important site content here ...
Or, to lower the importance of a section, use:

... your not so important site content here ...

(Google notes that it may take up to 2 weeks for this change to your site will be taken into account by the AdSense.)

What if your site doesn't have any good matchable content to begin with, though? Say, the page just includes an image. Well, for the reasons of search engine optimization but also ad optimization you might want to consider using at least a descriptive title, an explanatory footer containing the important keywords or keyphrases (the kind of footer that actually helps the human visitor by explaining what the page is about). In the case of image content, reasonable alt and title attribute texts should be used as well.*

*Whatever you do, don't resort to "keyword-stuffing" as it doesn't help your visitors and may get your page ranked lower in search engines.

Be aware of risks when you change ad layouts too much. I once had a system on the server to randomly differ between various AdSense layouts on the same page. Doing so I was hoping to add some good variety to keep the ads at least somewhat interesting and notable. Shortly after I stopped doing so and simply included a rather big static area for the AdSense to "do what it wants," the AdSense revenues for that site increased. Now, I don't know if this was a coincidence of some sorts, as revenues often go down or up even when you don't do anything, but it might well have been that there was a connection between adding too much homemade randomization, and lowered revenues.

At another time, during the redesign of this blog, I switched from one ad format to another for the end-of-posts AdSense ad space. This, combined with perhaps other layout changes, suddenly cut the ad revenues in half for the blog. It took me some time to realize that I had some ad channels* set up for the specific old layout size, and by changing this I must have kicked out all those advertisers who were pushing their ads through the channel.

*This setting can be found at AdSense Setup -> Channels.

Use competing ad systems when AdSense doesn't seem to work for a site. At CoverBrowser.com, which shows galleries of comic and book covers and so on, I tried including AdSense ads in "non-annoying" places in the layout (including trying to use AdSense affiliate links via AdSense Setup -> Referrals), but this didn't seem to work at all. However I then tried "affiliating" the "buy" link below individual covers, utilizing the eBay affiliate commission system offered by AuctionAds.com*. (Disclosure: Patrick Gavin, co-owner of AuctionAds, paid me for consulting before on other projects, like Sketchcast.com.) This worked a lot better, and as it was simply connected to an existing site feature, it also didn't add clutter.

A good start to find other ad programs is to search for adsense alternatives on Google... you will see a lot of lists which are dedicated to competitors. (Note that some of these competitors may be US-only.) You may also want to join an ad or blog network like The Deck, Federated Media (disclosure: I was part of Federated Media before), or 9 Rules. Before joining such a network – which might require you to show them your traffic stats and so on – check if their typical ads and campaigns fit with your site layout and your general ad type preferences.

*CommissionJunction also offers an eBay affiliate system but CommissionJunction has really low usability, in my opinion; setting it up is confusing. 

Sometimes you may get a sudden increase in traffic, hence ad clicks, but you can't locate the source of the traffic. I'm using Google Analytics to track my sites, though AdSense is also a good first indicator of traffic explosions... because it will show the combined page views of all your sites (provided you include AdSense on all of them), as opposed to Google Analytics, where you need to check site by site individually.

However, sometimes even with Google Analytics, you won't be able to locate the source of your traffic because there's no specific new popular referrer being shown (a referrer is the site linking to your site, provided people click on that link). In these cases, it may well be that your site has been discussed in a TV show or similar, as the show won't "link" to you (but audiences will be entering your domain manually into the browser when they like what the saw on TV). When you feel that there has been a traffic explosion sometimes you may get additional email feedback in regards to your site, and it makes sense for you to ask your visitor: where did you first find out about the site? Maybe the can let you know about the name of the TV show, or magazine, or other "offline" source responsible for the peak. (I sometimes sent pointers to the BBC Click show for instance, with partly enormous effect.)

Consider using AdSense even when the page doesn't get any traffic yet. Who knows, some day the traffic suddenly explodes, and you might not realize fast enough and thus miss out on the action (as sometimes, traffic goes as fast as it comes).

On the other hand, reversely I would suggest to never do a site just to make ad money with it. That kind of motivation may lead to spammy sites that don't help anyone really. (If a project is great, it's great even if it doesn't make any money.)

Making money with AdSense takes time. In my experience, it may take many months to years for a site to gain enough traffic to make OK money through AdSense... if ever. I have almost never experienced any site making quick and easy money with AdSense (though you may be getting quicker results than me of course, as it depends on so many variables!).

I think for any site getting a couple of thousands of visitors a day, you might want to start playing around with AdSense to see where it takes you (if you didn't already include AdSense anyway just to see what happens, and following up on tip #9). As you are paid in US-$, the actual benefit the ad revenue will bring depends on your local costs of living as well (you might even ponder moving or going on an extended holiday trip if your local costs of living are too high for your site revenues to cover).

source : http://blogoscoped.com/archive/2008-01-02-n17.html

Adsense- To make your Google adsense ads as different as possible from your website!

The time you get this far, you are making money from Adsense, writing articles, creating joint ventures etc. you're building content websites with the aim of earning an AdSense income then you'll know that the ads shown are dependant upon the surrounding content on your WebPages. In a nutshell, Ad Section Targeting allows you to emphasize what keywords Google AdSense will pick up from your site. The goal is to make your Google adsense ads as different as possible from your website. You are now a member of the AdSense Illuminati. The Google Adsense, will display ads relevant to your topics. There used to be a question that goes, "Is building Adsense sites a business. Try to experiment with the background color, font and text colors to get the desired click-through campaign and, hence, maximizing your adsense income.

A number of factors come into play when AdSense tries to determine what the page is about: The URL of the page, the page title, the anchor text of links, and the keywords that appear most frequently within the page, search engine queries that lead to the page or to another page that links to the page”. Ways to make money from Adsense by Distributing articles through Ezine and Press Releases One effective method of increasing adsense revenue is simply increasing the number of targeted visitors that visit your adsense-content page. You will be given new adsense websites per week and taught exactly how to promote them to make money. 

The main places you can put your Adsense units are the top of your page above your headline, in the body of your content and at the bottom of your page. Some people think that affiliate marketing is too much work and that splashing some AdSense ads on a page is far easier. If you follow the above tips, you will know how to build Adsense sites that make you a lot of money. Post product reviews with your affiliate links, banners, Google AdSense and everything else that you would use your website for. The one that springs to mind first of course is Google’s Adsense and other similar contextual based advertising being offered by an ever growing army of Google copycats.

Firstly, you need software that can build hundreds of your adsense sites fast using reprinted articles. After all this has been done, all that's needed is to maintain a stream of content running into the site and put AdSense or affiliate programs on it, and the money should cumulatively start rolling in. Google Adsense has become one of the best ways for small webmasters to earn online, and an entire industry seems to have grown up around it. Try to experiment with the background color, font and text colors to achieve the desired click-through campaign and, hence, maximizing your adsense income.

These advertisements may be in the form of text, such as those found in Google’s AdSense affiliate program; graphics, such as those found in various banners posted online; and streaming media, such as music or video, that can give life to an entertainment or adult site. While they take their time to learn and take action on registering a domain name and web host, creating web sites using FrontPage, uploading the files using FTP, they can get started immediately with Affiliate marketing and AdSense Publishing. Contextual advertising the big come-back of PPC came when Google launched AdSense in 2003, the birth of contextual Advertising. You need to make your Adsense unit blend in with your content, so use rectangular boxes.

source : http://www.articlebiz.com/article/241375-1-adsense-to-make-your-google-adsense-ads-as-different-as-possible-from-your-website/

4 Steps to Creating A Website Specifically to Earn AdSense Revenue

Building a website to earn Google AdSense advertising revenue has become a popular way to make extra money online nowadays. It is easier to earn AdSense income versus generating sales by selling products or services online. However it does involve works, time and money before you start earning from Adsense program. Below are the steps to creating a content website for earning AdSense revenue.

Step 1
Decide the content of your website. You can write a topic or subject related to your interest, hobbies or experience. You can also provide educational information and advice on your website if you are expert at something.

Step 2
Use a website builder to create your website. One of the easy-to-use website builders that can help you build a website is Bluevoda website builder. Bluevoda site builder allows users to build a website without technical knowledge. You don’t need to build your site from scratch. The trick is to use a free professional template provided by the site builder and then start adding your text and links to your website. You can add some graphics and pictures to make your site look nicer. After completing your website project, your next step is register a domain name and sign up for a hosting account to publish your website on the Internet.

Step 3
Join Google AdSense program. It will usually take several days for Google AdSense team to review and approve your site. If Google accepts your application. You can start learning how to generate AdSense code for inserting to your website to generate Adsense revenue. If your site rejected by Google, don’t get upset easily. Google will let you know the reasons of the rejection. You can fix the problems and reapply again.

Step 4 
You need to drive targeted visitors/traffic to your website to generate Adsense revenue. The higher your website’s traffic the greater your Adsense earning will be. Below are some of the ways that can help you drive some traffic to your website in short period of time.

1) Use Per-per-click (PPC) advertising. The two most popular PPC search engines are Google and Yahoo. Google and Yahoo can deliver instant traffic to your website but it is costly to advertise on Google and Yahoo. There are other alternatives like Bidvertise.com and Clicksor.com which are cheaper to advertise with.

2) Introduce your site to your family and friends.

3) Write several articles with a link to your website on the resource box and submit them to article directories. You can find a list of article directories by going to Google and entering the search term 'article directory'.

4) Post messages on community forums with a link to your site on the signature of each message posted. 

There are other effective ways to increase traffic for your website. You can find a ton of free information and resources about website marketing and promotion from search engines. The more traffic you can drive to your website the higher your AdSense earning will be.

source : http://www.excellentguide.com/article/Adsense/4_Steps_to_Creating_A_Website_Specifically_to_Earn_AdSense_Revenue.html

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Optimizing Google Adsense For Better Performance and More Money!

So you want to make money with Google Adsense? I don't blame you, who doesn't want residual income! This article will show you how to better optimize Google Adsense to make more money from your web site(s)...

Before we get into it, learn more about Google Adsense here:


First and foremost is: Positioning

Where you position your Adsense link boxes and banner ads is extremely important. Trying to make money from the bottom of your pages within your website just won't cut it. You need to add your Adsense links right in the heart of your template or right in the heart of your content. I would personally suggest both actually.

Adding Adsense in the heart of your template:

Link Units:

Since the introduction of Google Adsense "link units", we can now add what looks like a "menu system" to compliment our menu system within our website. This is HUGE. Have you ever just clicked on a website and kept clicking on the menu links? I know we all have. By adding a "Google link units" to your menu, you will get more clicks than you thought possible. Try adding the link units near the top for better performance and try creating your link units to match the color of your menu system in place. Once in a while I find myself clicking on a menu link unit without even realizing it which in turn gives more money to the website owner.

Leaderboards & Skyscrapers:

These may very well be your "bread & butter". I only say this because of the sheer size of these ads units. The best place to add these ad units is obvious; Straight across the very top of your website (leaderboards), and straight down the side of your template (skyscrapers). Anywhere else may not look proper within your template and may look unprofessional.

Square & Rectangle Ad Units:

These are great to compliment the mass amount of content within your website and also within your recommended resources. You want to compliment your content, you don't want Adsense to BE your content because this will look poor on your part. Adsense is very popular with webmasters; who doesn't want to make some extra money. However, don't forget that many of your visitors are also used to seeing Adsense within a website, and need a good reason to click on them.

Square and rectangular units are great to use within articles posted on your website or within your link resources. Try adding your Adsense boxes above your resource links within a page to give your Adsense account that added extra exposure.

Just remember that Google allows up to 3 ad units per page. Using these 3 strategies will help to better optimize Adsense for positioning! Let's now go onto targeting...

Optimizing Adsense: Taking out non-related ads!

Do you ever wonder how ads like "business card specials" ever get displayed on to your website when your company content is all about baby clothing? Since the introduction of "Adwords Site Targeting", we now have to keep an eye on the ads being displayed on our website(s). Companies may now specifically target your website for more exposure. There is no restriction whether the website is content related or not, just more marketing exposure for the advertiser.

Filtering Adsense Advertisers:

Within your Adsense manager, you have the option of using the "Competition Filter" which allows us to remove certain websites from the ads being displayed regularly. This is going to be an on-going optimization task in the future. Without filtering the ads being displayed within your website, you might find yourself with ads unrelated to your industry and possibly some ads that have a negative effect within your site.

If you don't remove all the unwanted ads being displayed on your website, you might end up hurting your Adsense performance online. The more targeted you can get your Google Adsense ads to display on each page, the better your chances at being able to make more money. Try to take a moment every week to study the ads being displayed on your website.

Open up a note pad, or word document and record all the websites you don't want to be displayed anymore. Add these sites to your "filter list" within your Adsense account.

Remember to add the website (within your filter list) like so: smartads.info - without the www. Adding anything after or before the url will only prevent the company from displaying one of their many ads like so (www.site.com/ads/1.html). This way you stop anything from the entire website from showing up within your Adsense campaign online. The more you optimize your Adsense filter, the better your performance will pick up and the less non-related ads will be displayed on your website.

One constant that holds true with Adsense:

The more pages you have with your Adsense campaign being displayed, the more you WILL make. People who have online networks immediately can profit from Google Adwords because they have the power to add their Adsense boxes & banners onto multiple websites, possibly 1000's of pages.

Should you add Adsense to your website?

If you own a small company that has a brochure type website that gets maybe 50-100 visitors a day, I recommend NOT adding Adsense to your site. It will never make enough money with that kind of traffic. Remember: Your Adsense campaign needs to make over $100 to get paid out.

If your company receives around 500-1000+ visitors a day, you can now start considering to make money through Google. Adsense is all about numbers. Play the numbers to make more money. In fact, try making goals for yourself to make X amount of dollars through your Adsense account by a certain time. Doing this will only increase your business and make your company more powerful online by increasing the amount of traffic it receives.

For multiple websites, channels are important:

Google allows you to track the performance of multiple websites all in one account which ultimately gives you the ability to track how many visitors you're getting for each website. It also allows you to work harder on those sites that aren't up to par.

I consistently look at each individual website channel to work harder at promoting the ones that aren't performing well. By doing this, we increase the amount of promotion going into the websites that under perform, and in turn eventually increase the business for those websites as well. The more you promote your website, the more the exposure you will ultimately deliver for your Adsense campaign and your company.

Google Search with Adsense:

To top all that off, you can add Google search within your site to give visitors a search function for your content and to allow people to also click on your Adsense program. Please note that for Google search to work, your website and all of its content pages must already be indexed by Google. Adding the Google search bar to your site right away won't help your visitors at all.

For more Google Adsense optimization tips, go here:


Don't forget to read the Google Adsense Policies & Procedures:


I hope this article helps you to make more money!

source : http://www.web-source.net/internet_marketing/23101.html

The Greatest Internet Marketing Strategy Using Google Adsense

Are you writing articles with the idea of marketing your internet business? 

Discover how using the right keywords in articles and having Google Adsense ads on your content site is now one of the most profitable ways of internet advertising. 

Are you using this internet marketing strategy? 

If not, you may be leaving thousands of dollars of extra profits on the table by not utilizing this strategy. 

This is one of the many reasons writing original quality content articles is now the latest marketing buzz. 

The two basics that you can combine to really power a successful website. Content and links. 

You already know that right? 

Are you writing articles and submitting them using such services as SubmitYourArticle? 

Many internet marketing pro's have been writing articles for many years. 

They already know the value of original quality content and using keywords will drive targeted traffic to their websites from the search engines such as Google. 

So why don't all internet marketing business owners write and submit articles for their internet marketing strategy? 

The simple answer is that it takes time to write articles, submit them and get targeted traffic to their websites. 

Another reason, is that writing articles reminds us of school research papers, essays and reports that are a deep negative anchor in the subconscious mind. 

Did you enjoy writing when you were in school? 

If your answer is yes, you have an advantage over the 95% of internet marketing business owners that want to make money online with a work at home opportunity. 

Imagine how much opportunity there is for you because of knowing this simple fact. 

The other 5% are taking advantage of this internet marketing strategy and internet advertising, by using Google Adsense ads to make money online on the front and backend writing articles. 

Why do you think marketing sites want fresh, quality, original keyword rich content? 

The website owner can have an article with keywords that relate to their website content. 

This helps their websites page rank when indexed by the search engines. 

Which in turn, gets more Google Adsense ads to show above, below and or next to the article on their website with targeted traffic. 

Think about this for a moment. Imagine taking advantage of a work at home opportunity, marketing from both sides of the sales coin with 3 simple steps. 

3 Simple Steps To Success With Content And Keywords 

1.) You write quality original content, keyword/phrase rich articles, with links to your website in the resource box. 

2.) You build a website or web page with targeted keyword/phrase rich original content for the targeted traffic that originates from your articles. 

3.) You have Google Adsense ads that are targeted to your keyword/phrase rich original content site when visitors looking for more information arrive. 

If you did not get all that, you may want to read it again. 

A Win-Win Situation For Everyone Involved. 

The person looking for quality content and information. 

The person writing the original content articles. 

The person with the quality original content rich website. 

And Yes, Google Adsense and their advertisers are getting targeted traffic and sales, but so is everyone else. 

Internet marketing business owners who incorporate Google Adsense with writing articles, can make money online if done properly with this internet marketing strategy. 

An Overview Of Google Adsense And Writing Articles. 

There are 3 keys to internet marketing success writing articles and using Google Adsense ads. 

1.) Keyword Research. Find popular subjects and keywords/phrases, using a keyword selector and suggestion tool by Overture and 7Search. 

2.) Writing Articles. Write original content with keywords from your research. 

3.) Quality Content Site. Build a quality content site incorporated with Google Adsense ads that target the subject and keywords of your article and website. 

There are many marketing business ideas. 

Starting an internet marketing business can be very rewarding and at the same time challenging. 

It's best to take the time to research and develop an internet marketing strategy. 

You can find all the tools, information and resources online by doing a Google search on any subject such as Google Adsense. 

Internet marketing opportunities are wide open for you. Writing articles and using Google Adsense for your internet marketing strategy is one way to get a piece of the action. 

Are you going to take advantage of the greatest internet marketing strategy online today to make money online with Google Adsense and writing articles? 

Just get started. Do whatever it takes to write something. For building long term success, there's very little you can do that will give you near the same results online today.

source : http://www.articlealley.com/article_3192_3.html

There is No Google AdSense Magic Package

You heard me right, There is no Google Adsense Magic Package! I know there are so many success stories of Google Adsense Publishers making waves online. The stories are quite interesting and tempting. Savvy online marketers are using such story to sell software and courses which they claim can reproduce such success stories overnight. Newbie Online Entrepreneurs are dreaming of becoming millionaires via Google AdSense publishing. They have heard the success story, they want their own share of the pie, but they want it now, not later. 

Scammers are taking advantage of the ignorance of such newbies. This is one of the reigning SCAM in Africa. Too many African Entrepreneurs who are desirous of making money online are being swindled. The scammers offer digital products and services which they claim will bring the dream of the newbie entrepreneur into reality overnight. Who will not like to become a millionaire overnight? Unfortunately, it is all SCAM! Too many wannabe online entrepreneurs have parted with their hard-earned cash for such "GET RICH QUICK PACKAGES". Several months after buying such packages (which they expected to be a CASH COW that will keep generating income even when the owner is sleeping) they are yet to receive the first cheque from Google. They have been unable to generate $100 which is the minimal pay-out! 

Now, many are asking "Is it really possible to earn 6digit income per annum from Google AdSense Publishing?" The answer is YES! But not via GET RICH OVERNIGHT MAGIC PACKAGES! Those instant solution packages are SCAM. If they work, nobody will sell them. Instead, the inventor will keep it as a secret. Ask around and see if you will get at least one person that have used such instant package and become a millionaire overnight. 

So, what is the right thing to do? First we ask the successful Google Adsense Publisher how they got their success. We do not need to re-invent the wheel. We can learn from their experience thereby avoiding the mistakes they made. That will shorten the time period required to achieve success. One of such Successful AdSense Publisher that I will recommend is Lisa Irby. She produced a little ebook which spelt out the basic factors responsible for her success in Google AdSense Publishing (it is a good read for any beginner). Since the ebook is free and she gave permission for it to be re-distributed, I will be willing to send it to you via email upon request. 

After reading that ebook, I will suggest you start a blog or website and open an account with Google as an AdSense Publisher. The earlier you start your own hands-on learning process, the better. You need skills and the earlier you start gathering experience the sooner your success story will come. There are many things to learn. There are great tools (some are free, some require payment) that will enhance your work and simplify difficult tasks. However, you still have a great role to play. None of those tools will take up your responsibility and make you a millionaire while you sleep. Wake up to reality. Nothing good comes cheap. If you are not ready to work, then forget about Google AdSense Income. It is not for lazy people. 

Even though there is no Google AdSense Magic Package, you too can earn good income from Google AdSense publishing if you are willing to work consistently for success. Internet rewards patience. Wishing you success in your online ventures. Cheers

source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/online_business/article_5937.shtml

Who Else Wants To Make Financial Income With AdSense?

These are just some of the 'super AdSense earners'. You may have already heard about their story for they are among the few who are on their way to making millions worth of cash just by advertising web sites. 

Fact 1: Kids in high school are making thousands of dollars every month with AdSense. 

Fact 2: Housewives, retirees, mom and dads, who are just staying at home and have never made a dime on the net have created full-time incomes by simply placing ads on their web site or blog.

Anyone, any age and gender can become financial income generating AdSense publishers as long as they what it takes. How does one go about this internet advertising?

Writing articles for it is the way to do it. Using the right keywords in your articles and having Google ads on a certain website has become the most profitable way of marketing that anybody can get into. No experience and level of education needed. If you are not using this strategy, or may not be aware of it in the first place, chances are you may be losing thousands of dollars worth of extra financial income and still do not know it yet.

This is one of the many reasons why writing original quality content articles are now the latest in marketing buzz. Content and links, when combined together becomes a really powerful tool to a prosperous web website and richer people. Umpteen net marketing professionals are already aware of the value of original quality content and how using keywords can push targeted traffic into their websites from the search engines.

So why don't all these web site owners write and submit their own articles if that is what is important? 

The simple and understandable answer is that it takes time to write articles, submit them and get targeted traffic to their websites. That is why they push the services of those who can spares sometime to write the articles that would cater to their web site purpose but still turn out as a good quality and unique piece of work.

To steer into the marketing business and start earning some good cash, ask yourself. Did you enjoy writing when you were in school? If you answer yes to this question, you already have an initial advantage over most net marketing business owners that want to make income online and doing it at home.

With the boom in the AdSense market comes the need for web sites to want fresh, quality and original keyword rich content. This way, web site owners can have a steady supply of articles with the proper keywords that they relate to their web site contents. The result of this is seen in the web sites page rank when indexed by the search engines, which, in turn, gets more ads to show above, below or next to the article on their website with targeted traffic.

What do souls have to do?

Write quality and original content, keyword or phrase rich articles with links to your internet site in the resource box. Then construct a website or web page with targeted keyword or phrase rich original content for the targeted traffic that originates from the articles you wrote. Finally, you will have a Google AdSense ads that are targeted to your keyword or phrase rich original content website where visitors will drive to visit when they come looking for information.

A win-win situation if you think more around it, a favour for persons looking for quality content and info, for the persons writing the original content articles and the person with the quality original content rich website. Of course, the search engines and its advertisers are getting targeted traffic and sales but so what? As long as you are getting something in your favour, it does not really matter what the others are getting for themselves.

So who else wants to start earning money? You. Everyone. Anybody. Internet marketing has numerous opportunities wide open for this individuals. Writing articles and using AdSense for your kind of internet marketing strategy is one sure way of getting a piece of that action and cash. Better not be left behind the many making millions already.

source : http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=1618384

Google Adsense: What Other Forms Of Payment Does Google Adsense Offer?

You can elect to have your Google Adsense payments mailed to you via check in your local currency. Google Adsense offers this option in 42 countries. Check the Google Adsense support center to see if your country is included in this list.

To select receiving your check by postal mail, log in to your Google Adsense account, click the edit link near Payment Details and then click the Check – Standard Delivery radio button. Then click continue. Now you can select your currency, if available or you may select US dollars. When you’re satisfied with your choices, click save settings.

You may also choose to receive your payment through Secured Express Delivery. There is a fee for this service but you can expect to receive your check within 5-10 business days after it has been sent. If you choose this option, you will need to contact DHL (the courier service) to make sure they offer service to your area and that your address is in the proper format.

Google Adsense: Tips for Using Google Adsense

Like anything else, you’ll get out of Google Adsense what you put into it. The following optimization tips can help you grow your Google Adsense dollars:

Write interesting content and write every day.

Have more than one site. The more sites you have, the more ads have the potential to get clicked.

Set up channels and monitor your statistics across all sites. If one site is performing poorly, consider changing the content or the ad layout. Experiment!

Change the ad layout and notice which layout works the best for you. There are many different layout options and there’s no way you can know going in which one will perform the best.

If you’re blogging, http://writingup.com has a list of profitable topics. They state that you don’t have to write on those topics but you might give it a try or at least plug some of them in to the search engines. Is it really worth placing an AdSense banner on your site? Get your Free $97 Adsense Secret Ebook on Adsense Tips today.

Google different key words and phrases and notice how much and what kinds of content and ads you see.

source : http://www.isnare.com/?aid=151298&ca=Marketing

Make More Cents With Google Adsense Niche Websites

Don't believe anyone who says that you can get rich by creating Google Adsense websites! However if you have the right approach you can make an additional income with Adsense provided that you produce a unique informative website. This article outlines one proven approach to making more cents with Adsense.

It is a popular misconception that it is easy to make lots of money with Google Adsense. One of the main reasons for this misconception is the multitude of self crowned internet marketing gurus who implore us to buy their Easy Adsense Fortune Making Systems so that we too can sky rocket our profits and spend most of our time hanging out on sunny beaches! 

The reality is that in the far distant Google Adsense past it was perfectly 
possible to make decent amount of money easily, but those days are long gone. So beware of any guru or marketeer pedaling their "Auto-Pilot Get Very Rich While You Sleep Adsense System." They sound too good to be true and they are too good to be true. However with a simple no-hype practical approach it is indeed possible to make decent money with Adsense. The key is to be realistic about your expectations and you should expect to have to put in some work before reaping the rewards. This article outlines one proven practical approach to creating Nice Adsense Websites that will earn money for you. 

Assuming that you have chosen the theme for your niche website there are three main ingredients in this approach: 

1) first you need a way to quickly build an Adsense-friendly niche website 
2) second you need to add good quality content that is unique 
3) third you need a way to drive traffic to your website that is proven 

Lets look at each of these in turn: 

1) Create Adsense-Friendly Niche Websites 

Whats a good way to create a niche Adsense website? Many people fall into the trap of using one of the many mass market templates that are promoted by the internet marketing gurus. These can look very tempting but they suffer from two main issues:
first they can be very difficult to customize so that they meet the needs of your website. This is typically because the makers of the templates have assumed that you would be an expert web developer and have lots of expensive web design software sitting on your computers hard drive!
the second issue, and this is probably the biggest problem, is that these templates are simply not unique so when a someone visits your niche website they will probably think to themselves: "Hmm, I've seen this type of website before," and then they will immediately hit the back button.
A much better and recommended way to approach creating good niche websites quickly is to use a simple template that is easily customizable and does not need extensive web graphic design skills to be customizable. 

2) Provide Quality Unique Content for Your Website Visitors 

The importance of unique content cannot be overemphasized in its ability to draw your visitors attention, and they can easily see that your website is not just out to rip them off. Many people go through a phase of trying to cheat and use content-spinners that can create thousands of pages in minutes. Google can spot these pages and will instantly ban the sites! Plus the web surfers of today can easily see if your site is genuine. The more unique and relevant the content on your site is the more likely your site visitors are to click on your ads. 

3) Promote Your Niche Adsense Website with Article Marketing 

lastly we need a way to get lots of visitors to our sites. It should come as no surprise that article marketing is probably the best way to promote a niche Adsense website. Article Marketing has always been a great way to get qualified visitors to your niche websites. The key is to produce useful articles that provide quality information that people can use in their day to day personal and business lives.

source : http://www.buzzle.com/articles/make-more-with-google-adsense-niche-websites.html

Google AdSense - one of the best ways for high-traffic content sites to make money free online.

Google AdSense is a new, fast and easy way for small and medium sites to make money free online by displaying relevant, text-based, un-obtrusive ads from Google AdWords (Google's own advertising program) and receiving a share of the pay-per-click payment. 

Because the ads are related to what your users are looking for on your site, the results can be much better than you'd earn from banner networks and many affiliate programs. 

For now, AdSense is the best way to make money free online from informational sites even if there are no obvious related affiliate programs. But you don't need to disregard affiliate programs. You can combine both these ways to make money free online and double your income. 

AdSense is easy to join, it doesn't cost you anything, all you have to do is paste a few lines of code into your pages, and Google does the work of finding the best ads for them from hundreds of thousands of AdWords advertisers. You can check the relevance of the ads by looking at the text ads on the right side of this page. 
How to get started
Go to Google AdSense.
Fill in the application form and confirm an email that Google will send you. If you own several sites, you need apply only once.
Google evaluates your site and will follow-up with you via email within 2-3 days (usually within 24 hours). If you're accepted, you'll be able to log in to your AdSense account.
Log in to your account using the email address and password that you submitted with your application, and agree to the AdSense Terms and Conditions.
Paste the AdSense ad code into your Web pages. There are 10 ad layout choices: 728x90, 468x60, 125x125, 120x600, 160x600, 120x240, 300x250, 250x250, 336x280, and 180x150. In addition to text ads, you have an option of running contextually targeted image ads.
You can choose the color palette from a long list of available palettes or create your own. You can even rotate your ads through up to 4 palettes.
The AdSense ad code is unique for your account and is not site/page-specific. You can place it on any page or site you own.
How to get the most out of AdSense

There are three obvious ways to increase your income from Google AdSense... 

1) Increase traffic
Create more keyword-focused pages. See Building: Site Content: Choosing Keywords for more information on finding the most profitable keywords. 

2) Increase click-through rate
Use simple design with the AdSense ads displayed prominently. According to Google, ads in the skyscraper format works better (especially on the right side of the page). Focus to only one topic per page - that should make it easier for Google to serve up the more tightly contextual ads which means better click-through. 

3) Increase the value of clicks

Of course, you can't do it directly. However, you can find some "expensive" keywords and create pages optimized for them, within your site's theme. These keywords are highly competitive and you'll unlikely get high ranking for them, but visitors will arrive from other "inexpensive" pages and click on Google's ads.

source : http://www.buildwebsite4u.com/income/adsense.shtml

7 Powerful Ways To Make Money From Adsense Using Only Free Tools

There is really no doubting that there are amazing incomes currently being made on Google Adsense and the really interesting thing is that even relatively small sites and blogs are finding new ways to make money from their Adsense sites every day.

Actually there are a lot of increasingly creative ways to make money and maximize on Adsense earnings that are being discovered and also being put to use every day. And what’s even more fascinating is the fact that most of these tools being used don’t cost anything. They are actually free. Here are 7 of the most effective currently being used.

a) Ways to make money from Adsense by Distributing articles through ezine and article announcement lists

Some of the most effective methods ways to make money from Adsense clicks involve the simple step of just increasing the volume of targeted traffic to a site. One of the ways of doing this is by distributing interesting content to ezine lists and article announcement lists. It is not too difficult to quickly build a list that reaches a million or so email boxes and can thus give a lot of visibility and drive tons of highly targetd traffic to your Adsense site or sites. Probably the most popular place for doing this is at Yahoo groups, but there are a few others that you can find easily by using your favorite search engine.

Success here depends on three main factors. Firstly you should be careful to join article announcement lists and ezine lists that are as relevant as possible to your subject matter and offering. Secondly your headline has to be a killer headline that will grab readers by the scruffs of their necks and force them to open your email message amongst the dozens or even hundreds of others they receive daily. It goes without saying that the content must meet the promise of your sensational headline. Anything less will cause annoyance and leave all those potential visitors to your Adsense site feeling cheated. And believe me, you don’t want to cause this sort of reaction because it is definitely not one of the ways o make money from Adsense or any other program for that matter. Thirdly, you will need the sort of resource box in all your articles that will leave most of your readers with no option but to visit your Adsense site.

Within a very short of consistently applying this technique, my daily Adsense earnings increased seven-fold.

b) Ways to make money from Adsense by Distributing free articles to high traffic article sites 
Some people find the recent trends that have seen an increase in article sites surprising. I don’t. The net is primarily an information-seeking tool. Anything that will help improve the search and quality of information will greatly benefit the people making that effort.

Some of the older article directories receive very high traffic, mainly from web masters and site owners seeking quality free content for their sites. So apart from the immediate exposure these sites also guarantee plenty of future targeted traffic to your site, when folks find your articles useful enough to re-post at their sites.

The more new articles you release to these sites every week, the more targeted traffic your Adsense sites will receive. This is in fact one of the most effective ways of making money consistently from Adsense clicks. One of the reasons for this is that targeted traffic will tend to spend more time at your site or sites, and the more time they spend, the higher the chances that they will click one one of the Adsense ads posted there.

c) Ways to make money from Adsense by Using Articles And A Viral Marketing Website

Any online marketing technique that involves the use of referral marketing or viral marketing automatically has a huge chance of being a success. The net is ideal for viral marketing and in fact gives any viral marketer huge leverage. Viral marketing or referral marketing is one of the most effective ways to make money online. Just ask Bill Gates.

When Gates was trying to play catch up on the Internet after an earlier mistake of underestimating the future importance of the net, he launched his Hotmail free email service when rivals like Yahoo already had millions of users. He decided to use a simple referral marketing technique. Every Hotmail message that went out had a brief signature at the end requesting the recipient to sign up for their free Hotmail account. Within a few short months, Hotmail had millions of users. And there are many other amazing stories which viral marketing boasts of on the net.

There is one of the very simple ways to make money from Adsense by going viral. Sign up at a leading viral marketing site. You will automatically get your own viral site. You can then use some of your articles to point people to your viral site. The way these sites work is that anybody who signs up at your site will have to visit your Adsense site if you register it at the site. So within a very short time you will be driving thousands of visitors to your Adsense site.

Find more details on this at my blog whose address you'll find in the resource box below.

Admittedly this traffic is less targeted. Still the huge potential and possible numbers you are able to receive using this free tool more than makes up for this.

d) Ways to make money from Adsense With Your Email signature

People greatly underestimate the power and potential effectiveness of a simple email signature as one of the ways to make money online. Actually this is a viral marketing method because emails get forwarded all the time and are even copied to several other people sometimes.

Do not waste another minute. Go to all your email accounts right now and create a signature that points to your Adsense site or sites.

Writing effective email signatures is a skill that you will have to develop, but I have found that using famous quotes is more effective than a straight advertising message. Always remember that people hate to be advertised to online.

e) Ways to make money from Adsense By Asking Questions At Discussion groups

I recently had an interesting conversation with a young Internet and computer techie. He asked me whether there were quick ways to make money online by answering technical questions and helping people to solve their computer and web-related problems. My answer was that there were many discussion groups where participants would get these answers for free. I advised him that he had a better chance of making money by making use of this free advice available online rather than by trying to sell his own advice.

There are tons of online discussion groups where leading world experts will answer your questions and give you valuable insight for free. It is amazing why most people do not think of using these online forums to learn as much as they can about the most effective ways of making money from Adsense.

These forums can easily be found through you favorite search engine.

f) Ways to make money from Adsense By Bartering your online skills for valuable Adsense keywords

In the old days, before the invention of money, if somebody needed something, the first question they asked themselves was; “What is it that I already have that I can exchange for what I need? Barter trade seems to have been forgotten but it is a very powerful method of trading. More so online where people have plenty of skills but are slow to trust others enough to send them money for an item they need.

You can barter whatever it is you have, your skills, products or services, and exchange them for genuine valuable Adsense keywords. Valuable Adsense keywords are the most effective way for a small site with low traffic to earn big cash from Adsense. And you can do this barter trade on an ongoing basis so that you always have a constant supply of valuable Adsense keywords which you can use at your site or blog as one of the ways to make more money from Adsense.

g) Ways to make money from Adsense By Sending Teaser Emails

To Everybody In Your Inbox And Also To Your Opt-in Email List 

Most of us receive tons of email in our inbox every day. You’ll be surprised at the huge number of people you know by simply going through your email inbox. No matter how good your spam filters are, you are also bound to be receiving more than your fare share of SPAM or unsolicited email. All this is “gold” lying in your email inbox and there are ways to make money using these emails. All you need to do to process the emails into pure gold is to send out “teaser emails about the most interesting aspects of content at your site. The whole objective of teaser emails is to get people to visit your site. For instance if I were to send out teaser email on this content here is how I would construct it;

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christopher_Kyalo

Make Money With Adsense - 5 Steps To Cash In Your Bank Account

Do you want to make money with adsense? Well, first of all you'll need to sign up as a publisher so Google can send you your earnings every month. Once you are approved as a publisher you will be able to monetize your sites with adsense providing they comply with Google's terms of service. 

Here are 5 steps you can follow to make money with adsense: 

1) Choose A High Paying Niche - What I recommend you do here is choose a niche that has an upper range above a dollar and a lower range no lower than 50 cents. This is the amount the advertisers pay and you will be receiving a percentage of the revenue that Google charges. 

2) Do Keyword Research - You will then need to do keyword research and pick out a number of keywords to build pages around for this site. You want your site pages to be well themed, so take care to choose keywords that are both relevant and don't have so much competition that you have no chance of ranking for them in the search engines. 

3) Build Your Site - You can either choose a site building tool or use a html editor to do this. You will also need a template so you can populate the site with content and include menu navigation on a side panel. 

4) Promote Your Site - I recommend you use a mixture of directory submissions, article marketing, bookmarking and getting links from sites in your niche. At this stage don't monetize your site with Adsense. Hold off until the site is indexed and getting traffic from the search engines and your other promotion efforts. 

5) Optionally Flip Your Site - This is where you can take things to the next level. Once your site is matured and steadily earning, consider selling your site and using that cash to fund making more sites. You will make more money from 5 sites than you will from one, so if cashflow is an issue consider this step to ramp up your earnings over the long term.

source : http://www.ideamarketers.com/?make_money_with_adsense&articleid=545248

Google Adsense Information, hints, tips and examples

Google's AdSense is a fascinating revenue-sharing opportunity for small, medium and large web sites. 

AdSense allows you to serve text-based Google AdWords on your web site and receive a share of the pay-per-click payment. 

AdSense ads are similar to the AdWords ads you see on the right-hand side at Google when you do a search there. GOOGLE picks up ADS with its ADSENSE technology to suit your website page content. 

Google uses their search engine ranking technology to decide what ads to show on your site, and on specific pages on your site. For instance on a webmaster site an article about Flash might show ads for Macromedia products and an article about web hosting might show ads from different web hosting companies. This type of targeting is very effective and results in good click-through rates in most circumstances. 

AdSense is having a huge impact on the affiliate marketing industry. Weak affiliate merchants will die faster than ever and big ad networks are going to lose customers fast. 

If you're a merchant running a lousy affiliate program, now's the time to improve it FAST 

If you own a small web site you can now plug a bit of code into your site and almost instantly relevant text ads that are likely to appeal to your visitors will appear on your pages. 

If you own several sites, you need apply only once. This makes AdSense much simpler than joining a bunch of affiliate programs.

AdSense's advantages :

AdSense is simple to join.
It's easy to paste a bit of code into your pages.
It's free to join.
You don't have to spend time finding advertisers.
Google provides well written, highly relevant ads – chosen to closely match the content on your pages.
You don't have to waste time choosing different ads for different pages.
You don't have to mess around with different code for various affiliate programs.
You're free to concentrate on providing good content and Google does the work of finding the best ads for your pages from 100,000 AdWords advertisers.
It's suitable for beginners or marketing veterans.
AdSense provides simple, easy-to-understand stats.
If you have affiliate links on your site, you ARE allowed to add AdSense ads. However, with your affiliate links, you must not mimic the look and feel of the Google ads.
You can filter up to 200 URLs, so you can block ads for sites that don't meet your standards. You can also block strong competitors.

How to Boost Your Revenue with Google Adsense :

If you're starting afresh designing a site specifically for AdSense revenue, you'll want a simple design that makes it easy to paste Google's code into a horizontal or vertical space on the site. For experienced webmasters, that's easy.
To increase your click-throughs, design a simple, uncluttered page with the AdSense ads displayed prominently.
Use white space, so that the AdSense panel catches the eye.
Stick to only one topic per page – that should make it easier for Google to serve up highly relevant ads on your pages.

Plain, bland pages with few competing hyperlinks should result in higher click-through rates on the AdSense ads.
If you want to target certain high-priced keywords, use them in the file name, in the heading on the page, and in the first paragraph – in other words, use search engine optimization techniques.
If you change those keywords, Google will change the ads that appear on your page.
Watch out for cases where Google has guessed wrong, and is displaying ads that won't interest your visitors. Figure out which words are involved, and rewrite those words. Help Google by sticking closely to the topic.
Don't worry about losing traffic via those clicks. If you can earn maybe 30 or 50 cents or more per click, you WANT to lose visitors!
You'll also want keyword-rich pages, optimized to rank highly in search engines, so you can serve lots of pages.
Where possible, use skyscraper ads, high on the page. They catch visitors' attention more than horizontal banner ads.
One of the beautiful things about AdSense is that you can now generate revenue from informational sites even if there are no obvious related affiliate programs. With 100,000 advertisers, there's a good chance that Google will find ads that match your pages, better than the big ad networks can.
Build useful, interesting sites. Google likes them.


THE FIRST RULE SAYS. BE HONEST. DON'T THINK of ANY tricks Like engine-spamming, or creating useless, non-original, non-informing content... "content for content's sake."
Don't be tempted into trying to create thousands of spammy computer-generated articles. Human beings review sites for AdSense.
Google monitors the ip address from where the click is coming from. so, if you use the same ip address to check your daily google income, then GOOGLE algorithm will catch you. AND YOU WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL FROM GOOGLE warning that your are doing fraudulent clicks.

source : http://www.kuttyjapan.com/ramsofts/Google-Adsense-tips.asp

Google Adsense - 50 hints and tips for better click ratings

Randomly surfing around the web earlier today I found a terrific article on Googlelady (which she in turn had compiled from various sources on webmasterworld.com). Top 50 tips that have just refreshed big dusty corners of my brain that had slipped into disuse.


1. Google’s Optimization Essentials really does work and deserves the full attention of those who’ve ignored it. It’s really helped me improve my CTR. The AD placement diagram shows the best places to position ads on your site to maximize CTR.

2. The actual content of your website is crucial. Dont simply cut/paste somebody elses content and hope to pick up the odd click here and there. Personally, I read other articles, extract the bits I think are interesting or pertinent and write an article adding my thoughts on the process at hand. This will help you avoid duplicate content penalties, increase the stickiness to your site, and put out more 3,4,5, etc. keyword combinations that you can pick up traffic on.

3. If your site is specifically targeting Google Adsense revenue then clear off the website clutter and other bells whistles. Focus on relevant ads and the opportunity for visitors to only click ads with premium ratings rather than leaving to surf other websites because of the clutter on yours.

4. Only use 1 ad block per page to keep the highest paying clicks in view and avoid .03 clicks (not worth leaving your site for .03 in my opinion)

5. Blend ads in to design (but still displayed prominently) as to not offend your visitors. Frequently overlooked, I just revamped a hobby website (from my Triumph motorcycle) to restyle the ads. Click through has improved almost immediately.

6.Use an adlink in addition to an adblock, and consider placing it at the end of your page’s text. If the text you’ve written is sufficiently focused on your keywords, the adlink should have no problem with relevancy. The adlinks really work great and seem to add significantly in many cases to the bottomline. They sometimes subtract from the number of clicks you’d receive from a single adblock, but the dollar amount earned at the end of the day can be greater.

7.when placing adblocks, consider choosing alternating color schemes so repeat visitors to certain pages will see a different ad appearance on repeat visits. this might help alleviate ad blindness.

8. Use the channels astutely to test and do more testing - keeping in mind you can’t compare just 1 day against another - you have to look at bigger blocks of time. This is the key to focusing your CTR.

9. Match your ad style to your page style sheet. Simple, effective and it looks great.

10. Your traffic sources can impact your CTR. If you are bringing generic, run of network traffic to your site, you will have lower CTR. If you bring targeted traffic focused on your topic to your site, you will see higher CTR

11. Keep an open mind and keep trying different things
- sometimes even if you think you are doing well you can still do better - colors - layouts - positioning - ad types etc. Sometimes something that sounds like a really stupid idea might actually do really well.

12. Keep each page on a single topic (where possible) and split large content into multiple pages - lots of highly targeted ads and good proportion of ads to content (obviously don’t drown your content with ads).

13. Be willing to revisit your site and redesign and reposition your ads based on the results of your test. Keep an open mind and dont be to proud to change things.

14. Don’t be afraid to ugly up your site a little bit to make your Adsense ads really stick out to get a better CTR. You’ll get a few complaints, but the increased CTR will help you sleep better at night.

15. Adlinks can work in various different formats. Try mixing it up a little

16. Keep your website fresh with regular updating of content.

17. Regular website promotion through link backs and/or search engine submission.

18. Open mind for experiments within Adsense TOC. Dont break the rules but see how bendy they can be!

19. Is someone stealing your content and diluting its worth. This can be done a number of ways, including tracing back-links from your site, monitoring your serps, doing searches for unique text on your pages, and using a content monitoring system. This may not overtly seem to be an adsense tip, but do you really want the unique value of the content YOU created to start popping up elsewhere on other adsense sites, thereby diluting it’s value (ASA, will google ever devise a registration system so site/content owners can at least certify that, on a certain date, the content was on their site and not on a thief’s. this would even be a good revenue stream since many webmasters would pay a nice fee for the added protection)

20. Do not prejudge your pages! It’s greating seeing pages you had little hope for suddenly generating dollars. Hell, I enjoy getting a dollar a month of simple little pages.

21. Try to get targeted traffic. This is crucial and pays dividends. Properly targeted and relevant traffic can really affect CTR and earnings.

22. Broaden your view of your content topics. Dont discuss the same old thing in every article. Well paying, relevant, subjects are completely missing on many sites.

23. As the old saying goes “Less is more” Don’t be tempted to splatter each and every page on your site with three adsense banners, one adlinks banner and a google search box! Use channels to track every banner, and if it isn’t paying then dump it. The resulting increase in CTR will probably feed through to an increase in earnings.

24. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different banner types and placements. If it doesn’t work then restore it to the previous version. If a banner doesn’t work on a page, don’t assume that the page will never work with adsense. Give it a few weeks then try something different inthe way of banners/adlinks.

25. “Don’t assume the ads selected are always the best payers” Google targets ads based on what they *think* will be the best financial bet - not on highest bidder. This usually works well, but you may find that there is some really bad targeting on occasions. Use the adsense preview tool to look at the ads that appear, and if they are scrapers, directories or webmasters buying traffic as opposed to people selling things then consider dumping them. WARNING - this is against the conventional wisdom, but the technique has worked well for myself and others here. It won’t work for everybody, so if you intend trying this please be careful to dump advertisers sparingly and slowly.

26. Diversify your sites.

27. Listen to the pros.

28. Keep up-to-date with Google SEO. Read other websites to find out whats current.

29. Work out your business case. Calculate the ROI from one article in a month, three months, a year. Calculate your outlays and investments, set your targets based on realistic hard facts only.

30. Plough your income back into content. Think of every $ you don’t spend on beer now as $10 next year.

31. if you have high EPC pages and low EPC pages remove adsense from low EPC pages. This will make your site less predictable and more interesting to the users.

32. advertise your high EPC pages with link on the low epc pages

33. split long pages into several smaller pages with one ad block on each page. Optimize for slightly different keywords (within subject) on pages.

34. READ THE ADSENSE TERMS & CONDITIONS AND THE HELP PAGES FROM COVER TO COVER and then don’t rely on answers from others when you are unsure about borderline issues, ask Google directly as they are the only ones that can give you a definitive answer that won’t get your site banned.

35. Mix advertising and content. This stops visitors from getting ad blindness

36. Don’t mess with the generated adsense code.

37. Put keyword relevant images above or beside your ads, so they are lined up properly (Google allows this).

38. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Try to replace your google ads with affiliate ads over time. The greater the number of affiliates you use, the less chance that losing one will harm your overall income. That’s the biggest risk with Adsense. Look to see what ads are appearing on a page and being clicked through often (using channels), then find an affiliate program similar to that ad (you can use the same ad copy!). This is a lot of work, but sooo worth the insurance, and probably the extra income in the long run.

39. Make your pages validate. Otherwise you may find that one syntax error means that the spider ignores vast chunks of content, resulting in poor targetting.

40. Force yourself to take a break very now and again. Don’t take it so seriously and don’t expect it to pay the bills or the mortgage, for example. Walk away and do something else for a while - maybe a couple of weeks. Then come back with fresh eyes and try again.

41. Service your site users. Give them what they want. If your site has intrinsic value, users will come back, and you’ll earn far more than you would from a single visit. (You’ll also benefit from word of mouth and unsolicited links from other sites.)

42. Be fair to advertisers. If you try to artificially boost your click-through rate by disguising ads as content or overwhelming the visitor with ads, your clicks won’t convert well for advertisers. This may result in higher “smart pricing” discounts for your clicks (meaning less money for you), and you’ll be a poor candidate for site-targeted CPM ads.

43. Think long-term. Ask yourself what will happen if you’re dropped by AdSense, if advertisers get more control over where their ads appear, if “smart pricing” becomes more aggressive in cutting revenues for sites whose clicks don’t convert, or if other changes affect the status quo. It’s tempting to go for the quick and easy money, but unless you have the technical and business smarts to earn a lot of money that way, you’ll probably be better off with content that can earn revenue in multiple ways over the long haul.

44. Watch your server logs - I have noticed that sometimes I will just mention something in an article for one sentence that brings in a lot of visitors so I go and write an entire article on that subject. The results have been stellar. You’ve been given a big hint that people are interested in this and if you ignore it you are missing a big opportunity. I have more than a few articles that have been linked to all over the web because they are almost the only decent material on this subject.

45. Don’t worry when your income and/or traffic are low for a few days. These peaks and valleys are normal and simply a good excuse to refresh old content to get the ball rolling again.

46. Use a dictionary. Use proper grammar and spelling so that your articles are professional. Use bullet points and bold headings for sections.

47. Write content that is as specific as possible. Don’t write an article that is super long unless it is necessary. If you can break it up if it seems logical to do so.

48. break articles up and span them over a few pages breaking down the subject into cotext sensitive blocks: Ads will be better targeted and users will enjoy the read in simpler smaller chunks.

49. Have patience. You may have good ideas that won’t even start to pay for six months from now.Use good title and description tags, plus Urls that look static even on a dynamic site. Helpful not just for Adsense, but for search engine traffic as well.

50. Dont click your own ads. Or Google might make you go and sit on the naughty step.

source : http://www.projex.com/blog/google-adsense-50-hints-and-tips-better-click-ratings

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Beginner Google AdSense Tips

The first thing that needs to be stressed, is do not be intimidated by the process in which you can make an outstanding amount of cash. It is an extremely simple line of work. You just attach your AdSense advertisement onto your website, generate some traffic to your site, and get paid every time someone clicks on your add.

Randomly posting advertisements on your site is not a wise method for using this technique. You must have a plan, a well thought out web site, and a good way to direct traffic to see your site. Then you will start to see the money roll in.

Experiment with your pages. Preview what they will look like before you decide to publish them for public viewing. You want a couple advertisements here and there. Do not make your advertisements the main theme of your web page, you won’t get clicks.

One thing you should never do is put an advertisement at the top of your web page. The gut reaction from most visitors is a discouraging first impression, which isn’t what you need to make you money. Just a couple ads placed in the margins or at the end of your message will do nicely.

Choose your keywords, then write your site theme while placing these keywords throughout your message. This will ensure your advertisements end up on your page. You want your ads to be related somehow to your theme. The reader always wants to learn more. When your ads are positioned correctly, you can be certain to get some clicks.

Good keyword usage can get you more traffic and improve the amount of money you get from Google.

If you are looking for a way to promote your website, and dramatically increase your profits, than using Google Adsense is for you.

source : http://affiliatemarketing.worktodayonline.info/beginner-google-adsense-tips/

Tips to Increase Your Google Adsense CTR

Google Adsense One simple way to monetize your web content is to use Google Adsense. I knew that some people were making quite reasonable additional incomes from Google Adsense and that it has the potential to add more considerably to my income if I could find out how it's done. If have a page with Google Adsense, the main purpose is to generate money by to get people to click on the advertisement. Most of this site solely exists to generate ad profits from Google’s Adsense program, or affiliate relationships.

If you happen to be an affiliate who owns a website, you’ll learn how to maximize the money you get for ads placed Specifically, Google will exhibit these Adsense ads on your site to match how they distinguish the contents of your blog. If you want to get signed up with Adsense, search out "Adsense" on Google, sign up and Google will begin to send you money when people click on the ads you post on your websites, blogs, etc.

Again from the CS monitor story:"Google is actively looking for those kinds of sites," and removes ads from them, explains Eric Gigue, author of for more detail go to: www.instant-adsense-dollars.com. "Make Money with Google: Using the Adsense Advertising Program. This is crucial to any Google Adsense movement as how big or what it looks like affect a user's stand point. Ad Center also allows advertisers to run their ads on specific days of the week, and even on certain times of day, a feature Google Adsense only adopted recently. This strategy, coupled with careful tracking of ad performance, will guarantee that you are making serious amounts of money with Google Adsense.

If you don’t, won’t or can’t do that, get a blog, post your code and make money through your Google Adsense account. In order to improve your revenues through Google Adsense, you must pay attention to making web pages of high value topics. It is clear from the above that the shared revenue between Google and any webmaster participating in the adsense program is sourced from text Ads called Ad words. So who else wants to start making money with Google Adsense?

Net makes close to $5000 per month just by using Google adsense. These get spider by Google bots, and so long as you leave a link back to your page, people will be able to find your page easily and your adsense revenue will go up. Together, Google Ad Words and Google Adsense make up two sides of the game. For more help visit towww.guardadsense.com.Every now and then, Adsense 'experts' would establish a 'fresh' new way of generate pages which Google "has not caught on yet", be it article, directory or back link generators.

Here are some tips to increase your Google Adsense CTR: Make sure the ads that are appearing on your site are closely related with your content. And if you're making money from it, give them a little background on how you've done it (Google Adsense, affiliate programs, etc. Note that Google Ad words enable you to get paid for advertising and Google Adsense is when you will have to pay for advertising.

source : http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-marketing-articles/tips-to-increase-your-google-adsense-ctr-765746.html

3 simple tips to boost your adsense

google adsense has become the idol of the webmaster to make money online, there are aton of website that used adsense to make extra income from the internet. and many of them have been made hundreds even thousands of dollars per days. for some of them adsense is the only means of income online.and google adsense affiliate is best choice for beginer to make money online. but beside this there is a simple way to make money online

now wheter you are new to adsense or expert you are with it, you should still ponder question may have


For those of you that are earning revenue from AdSense, you probably want to know how to increase your earnings.

This is Some Tips to Earning more with your adsense

1. ensure that our website is focused on 1 discussion with the topic niche market, each page contain 1 of topic keywords so that the adsense ads appear in accordance with our discussion topic and make it a higher value

2. make some free blogs to support your main website. means is that you can create multiple blogs and blog visitor switch to your main website will enhance the visitor will increase your click. more click more money.

3.how to put ad is the key to success
the right ad format, ad placements that fit with our pages, we make a page look better, to much ads make excessive with visitor and too few ads that visitors will not click because they do not see.

source : http://googleadsenseaffiliate.blogspot.com/search/label/Affiliate%20Marketing

Google Adsense - 2 Surefire Ways To Maximize Your Google Adsense Earnings

Most webmasters know that Google Adsense generates a sizeable source of additional advertising income. That is why most of them use it to go after high paying keywords. They have with them the lists that tells what the keywords are and have already used various methods of identifying them. And yet, after putting up these supposed-to-be high paying keywords into their pages, the money they expected to come rolling in is not really coming in.

What is it that they are doing wrong?

Having the pages is with the proper keywords is one thing. But driving visitors to those pages is another matter and often the factor that is lacking.

The thing is, to get visitors to your high paying keyword pages, you need to optimize your site navigation.

Stop for a moment and think about how visitors are using your website. After a visitor has landed on a certain page, they have the tendency to click on another page that sounds interesting. They get there because of the other links that appears on a page that they initially landed on. This is site navigation. It is all about enabling visitors to move about your site. And one way of maximizing your Google Adsense earnings.

A typical website have menu links on each page. The wording on these links is what grabs a visitor’s attention and gets them to click on one of the links that will take them to another page of that website. Links that have “free’ or “download” are oftentimes good attention-grabbers.

This navigation logic can also be applied to driving traffic to your high paying pages. There are some websites that are getting a lot of traffic from search engines, but have low earnings. The trick is to try and use come cleverly labeled links to get the visitors off that pages and navigate them to the higher earning ones. This is one great way of turning real cheap clicks to real dollars.

Before you begin testing if this same style will work for you and you website, you need to have two things. Something to track and compare and some high earning pages you want to funnel your site traffic to. An option is to select a few of your frequently visited pages. This is ensuring fast result to come by.

Now, the next thing to do is think of ways to get visitors viewing a particular page to try and click on the link that will take them to your high earning pages. Come up with a catchy description for that link. Come up with a catchy and unique description for the link. Think of something that people do not get to see everyday. That will trigger their curiosity enough to try and see what that was all about.

You can also use graphics to grab your readers’ attention. There is no limitation to what you can do to make your link noticeable. If you are after the success of your site, you will do everything it takes just to achieve that goal. Just be creative. As far as many Google Adsense advertisers are concerned, there are no written and unwritten laws to follow regarding what they write. Just as long as you do not overstep the guidelines of the search engines, then go for it.

Also remember that it is all about location, location and location. Once the perfect attention grabbing description has been achieved, you have to identify the perfect spot on your page to position that descriptive link to your high paying page.

There is nothing wrong with visiting other websites to see how they are going about maximizing their site navigation. “Hot pages” or “Most read” lists are very common and overly used already. Get to know the ones that many websites are using and do not try to imitate them.

Another way of doing it is to try and use different texts on different pages. That way you will see the ones that work and what does not. Try to mix things around also. Put links on top and sometimes on the bottom too. This is how you go about testing which ones get more clicks and which ones are being ignored.

Let the testing begin. Testing and tracking until you find the site navigation style that works best for you site.

source : http://www.isnare.com/?aid=240878&ca=Business

Build Your Own Web Sites With Adsense Templates

Adsense website templates are templates that are not only professionally designed, but they also have google adsense ads coded into each template. Google adsense is a great way to make a passive income online.

Building your own web site can be a very difficult and expensive experience. To have a professional looking web site you need to be a graphic designer and know all the technical code to make your make site work. 

You could hire someone to do design your site, but that will cost you an arm and a leg. Most of us do not have the money to spend on building our web site because we are just starting out and the budget is tight.

So what do you do if your stuck in this dilemma? Look for web site templates. These templates are already professionally designed and coded. All you have to do is cut and paste your content into the page. 

I would recommended that you look for adsense website templates. Adsense website templates are templates that are not only professionally designed, but they also have google adsense ads coded into each template. Now your website is monetized and you all ready have one stream of income coming from your web site. 

The really good adsense templates will also allow you to have multiple streams of income like promoting your own product and affiliate products to name two other streams.

The key is to find adsense templates that are very to easy to customize to fit your needs. Make sure the coding is clean, which means when you add your content to the page nothing will move out of place.

You can find adsense templates packages and receive 25, 50 or even 100 templates for one price. Depending how many templates you receive, you can get each template for less than a dollar. 

When looking for adsense templates be sure that the files come with the graphic headers in psd format. Psd stands for photoshop file which means it can be easily edited to fit your needs. 

By finding an adsense template package with these features you can build your own web site or web sites in hours and it won't cost you an arm and a leg.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

GOOGLE AdSense Tips For Maximum Earnings and how to avoid 'smart pricing'

Almost everyone has probably heard of AdSense by now, if not then I am pretty sure you have seen AdSense and may have not even known what it was. To explain AdSense, I must first tell you a little about ' AdWords ', Adwords is a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising system that is available through Google the search engine. You create a small text ad, which is placed on Google's search result pages, the ads match your websites subject or content. You bid or set a fee that you are willing to pay Google every time someone clicks on your ad, this is a great way to get highly targeted traffic that can turn into sales, subscribers, or whatever you are trying to achieve with your website traffic. 

Now that I have explained Adwords, I can now tell you about AdSense. AdSense makes it possible for website owners to earn money by simply letting Google place ads on their web pages. AdSense ads can be either text or images, the ads can be altered to blend into the webpages, so they don't make your site look junky or poorly designed. AdSense ads are highly relevant to the content of most webpages, for instance if you place AdSense ads on a webpage that sells Coins, you will get ads about selling coins or other coin related subjects. Every time a website visitor clicks on one of the AdSense ads on your webpage, you earn money, and every month after your first balance reaches one hundred dollars, Google will send you a check or you can have the money deposited into your checking account. The AdSense program is a great way to earn extra money if you have a website, it's easy to make a few dollars every day, and some folks are making thousands of dollars per month doing it. 

When I first started Adsense, I placed the ads on my webpages and it wasn't very long until I had made a small amount of money, a few days later my account balance had grown even more. I was pretty happy, but I thought to myself, after reading a lot of articles, I am not making nearly as much money as others are making with AdSense, something must be wrong. Then I thought, maybe my website doesn't get the traffic that the others are getting? I chatted with a lot of people on the internet that were in the program, and I discovered that the amount of visitors I get, was higher than some of the traffic they receive. You may think that 200 - 400 unique visitors a day is low for website traffic, you are very wrong, the average website gets a lot less per day, especially if your website is only a few months old or is not optimized for the search engines, or it's subject matter has a very low search demand. 

If my website was getting a nice amount of traffic or visitors, why was my AdSense earnings so low ? The first thing that I discovered that was wrong was 'Adsense ad placement', that's right, you have to study each webpage's layout that you plan on placing the ads on. Wherever your webpage has sections or areas that grab and hold the visitors attention, this is a prime area to place a section of AdSense ads, in other words, place the ads on your webpages where folks will notice them. We are currently allowed to place up to 3 different AdSense ad sections or groups on each webpage. I found after some testing that the best places for my ads are, just under the title or sub-title, near the middle of the page, and near the end or bottom of my page. If you place one section of AdSense ads near the top of your webpage, folks entering your site will probably notice the ads, and if they scroll down a ways and there’s more ads, that increases the odds that they will notice them also. Probably the best place to place one section of ads is at the bottom of your webpages, right after your last bit of text or interesting reading, but make sure you place the ads before any other links, because when visitors are ready to leave your site, they may leave by clicking on one of your ads, earning you money, and if you have other links showing before your ads, they may leave your site by clicking on one of them. So after I studied the layout of all my webpages, I went back through and repositioned the AdSense ads, almost immediately I noticed my earnings increased. 

I left my webpages alone, and about three months later I received my first check in the mail, it wasn't a lot of money but still for really doing no physical work I was very glad to get it. My earnings slowly started getting better and better after that first check, the next month I received another check, then the following month I got another and so on. After having been in the AdSense program for about 8 months, and chatting with more folks who were also in the program I found that my earnings were still low compared to some other people. 

I then discovered another method that increased my earnings even more. I noticed that my ads stood out from the rest of my webpages text and content. I had always thought, I should make my ads a different color than my webpages background so folks would notice my ads, and click on them, I was totally wrong. Almost everyone that has been on the internet for any length of time, has become so accustomed to seeing banners and other flashy ads that almost everyone now has what is called 'ad blindness', that is, when they visit a site they are automatically turned off or they ignore anything that looks like an ad. I used the Adsense editor and I changed my ads background and border colors so they matched the background color of my webpages, and I changed the text color of the ads so they matched the text color of my webpages content. The ads blended in very well, to me they were barely noticeable from the rest of my webpage, but right away the number of clicks on the ads increased, and the earnings went up even more. 

I left my webpages alone and for another couple months my earnings stayed about the same, I was content with the results, but my earnings were still not as good as some of the other folks who received roughly the same amount of traffic that I did. Then I found out that they had done something else to their AdSense ads, something that made the ads seem to really get peoples attention, they were placing images near the ads, it seemed adding images made the ads look unique and it helped make the amount of clicks on them rise. So I searched the internet and I found some little icons and images that matched the content of my webpages, and near where the Adsense ads were shown, I displayed the images by adding a simple html image tag. I asked Google if adding the images was within the AdSense rules, and I was advised that they were fine as long as they didn't make folks click on the ads, by this I mean, you cannot have a flashing sign that says, ' click these ads ', or you shouldn't have a scantily dressed girl pointing to the ads saying ' make me happy - click here ' or stuff like that, just make some nice little images that pertain to your webpages content. 

The next couple months or so, my earnings still continued rising slowly. By this time, besides my regular webpages I had been working on several BLOG's pertaining to different subjects, so I thought I might as well place AdSense ads on all of my blogs also and make even more money. For a couple weeks my earnings went up quite a bit, and I was very happy, then all of a sudden, just like someone turning off a switch, my AdSense earnings plummeted. I was now making in a day, what I had made when I first joined the program, what the heck happened I thought to myself ? My traffic was still slowly rising, the number of clicks was rising, but for some strange reason, the earnings per click, (EPC) had dropped a lot, it was horrible. 

Then I learned that Google had introduced a new feature or system into the AdSense program, called 'smart pricing', 'smart pricing' automatically adjusts the cost of an ad click. Using Google’s system of analyzing AdSense data, if it shows that a click from one of your webpages is less likely to turn into an online sale, or other business result for the Ad publisher, the amount you earn per click in AdSense is greatly reduced. When 'smart pricing', was introduced, some AdSense users saw their EPC drop to as low as 3 cents a click, where before 'smart pricing', that same click might of earned them a dollar or much more, this was quite a drastic drop in earnings. What is horrible about 'smart pricing', besides the earnings loss to AdSense users, is that one site or webpage can trigger it, and once triggered by that one webpage, it effects your entire account and every webpage you have will now earn substantially less per click. Remember awhile back when I had added AdSense Ads to my BLOG's, that seemed to be what had triggered smart pricing for me. The BLOG's were on numerous subjects, but they were not business or real professional sites, so hardly any business results such as sales, occurred from folks clicking the ads on these sites. After I removed the Adsense ads from the BLOG's, it took about a week, then I noticed that the EPC was once again climbing back up, yes the 'smart pricing', spell had been broken. 

If you are thinking about trying AdSense, or if you are already in it, beware of the smart pricing curse, or if it has already effected your earnings, try removing AdSense ads from your webpages a few pages at a time, the smart-pricing system is evaluated each week, so it will take a few days to see if you have removed ads from the page(s) that triggered it.

source :http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/4-8-2006-93019.asp